
VirtualCallboard 1.4 Released

VirtualCallboard 1.4 was released to all our customers today.  It included over 40 enhancements and bug fixes. Here is a list some of the things that were changed:

  1. Increased the reliability and user friendliness of the mass user import feature.
  2. Clarified and streamlined the messages sent to users when their accounts are created.
  3. Clarified how users get assigned new passwords during both user creation and editing
  4. Added more SMS carriers as options
  5. Added the ability to view notes without refreshing the page.
  6. Fixed a bug on the reports where some fields were not previewing correctly.
  7. Added the ability to edit the company name and company abbreviation.  Also added the ability to reactivate a company after it’s been deactivated.
  8. Added company abbreviations and company names more consistently throughout the site.
  9. Made non-visible changes to the way underlying data structures work that will allow us to offer greater flexibility in the future.

As always, please let us know of any bugs you encounter as you use the new version.  We are always interested in hearing your feedback on what you’d like us to work on next.  Please drop us a line!

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